

We have created another format of noble character that will show in a fun way that there are no boundaries when it comes to love. The reality format of the show allows us to follow the participants who have decided to take one of the most important steps in life. Namely, competitors are men who ask their chosen one to be their wife. As is usually the case with engagements, everything is kept secret from the girl being proposed until the last moment. To record everything, we will also use hidden cameras. The most original and most creative proposal will win. Only one candidate will become a groom while the rest will be guests at the winner’s wedding! The couple who knock our jury off feet gets the dream wedding that is completely free! How will the candidate propose their soul mate? Will the chosen one say YES? Who will win a free wedding? What will their wedding day look like? – will be found out in episodes imbued with an explosion of emotions! The Groom or Guest invites you to witness some of the most precious moments. Expect compelling and exciting stories that leave no one indifferent.
The show is hosted by charismatic actor Saša Nićiforović.

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