A sports series modeled on the knightly tradition, just like the famous and favorite “Games without Borders.” The synergy of thought and the Serbian gene have played a key role when it comes to winning the Mud Knights series.
Viewers had the opportunity to enjoy sports competition, humorous comments and funny situations that accompanied participants during 20 grueling games.
The show aired at prime time on TV Pink for 120 episodes, as well as in the VIP specials Grand Stars
who participated in the series.
The competing training ground at the Zelena senka location is represented by a map and geographical coordinates of meridians, which exactly here meet in a unique combination of four elements: water, air,
earth, and fire. The winner is a competitor who discovers the fifth element, and as a reward, he gets an apartment in Belgrade!
Fantastic hosts were Žarko Lazić, Bojana Lazić and Marinko Madžgalj.
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